Type | Fee |
Copy of draft | 1.50 per draft |
Stop payment one check | 5.00 per check |
Stop payment ACH payment | $20.00 per item |
Stop payment series of checks | $10.00 per series of checks |
Wire transfer outgoing | $20.00 per outgoing wire. No charge for incoming wire. |
Wire transfer international | Not available |
Nonsufficient funds – preauthorized withdrawal or share draft | $20.00 per item |
Returned deposited item | $20.00 per item |
Check printing fee | Varies depending on style |
Copy of canceled check | 3.00 per draft |
Balancing account | $20.00 per hour. One hour minimum. |
Dormant Fee | $5.00 Per Month after 24 Months of Dormancy |
Stop payment - Cashier's Check | $30.00 per check |
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Overdraft fee | $20.00 paid or unpaid return |
Home Equity Loan Application Fee | $500.00 non-refundable fee |
Effective April 1, 2024 |